Latest Episodes

It is Ok to be Weird, Plus Pollyanna Principle and Negative Bias
I tried to talk about these things. Shaun kept talking about toilet paper. This is what our live podcasts have come to. So many...

Strange Birthday Weirdness
It was Carrie's birthday and we podcasted anyway. Partying hard over here. :) SHOUT OUT TO STUBHY! The snippet of our intro and outro...

Strange Habits
This week we talked live about strange habits and as Cait said, "Things escalated." Please know there is swearing. To watch on YouTube SHOUT...

Let's Get Embarrassing
This podcast we talked about embarrassing things and moments. It dwelled in the awkward embarrassing moments because that's where Carrie lives. SHOUT OUT TO...

Aliens at the Mall Loving the Strange
This week, our first week back in 2024, we free styled. Which means? We talked about aliens at the mall. Shaun proudly drops the...

Dangerous Holiday Things
We were live, talking about dangerous things that happen on holidays (not vacations) and delved into Carrie's bad, terrible adventures with a homicidal Christmas...